Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Little Glimpse of Life in Kenya

Craig Conley, one of our supporters and K.E.M. Board members is currently in Kenya on a short term missions project to get our training centers up and running. We are running into some additional costs to get things completed and ask that you lift the ministry up before the Lord and ask for His bountiful supply. The people are also in need of rain for their pray, pray, pray! Anyway, I received an e-mail from Craig and I decided to post this little excerpt which I found to be a good reminder as to the immense burden that our mission in Kenya bears on a daily basis;

" It is amazing how God is working here… in large and small ways, and how the Mission stands in the gap each day in the lives of the Kangundo people. One example is we had an older lady pass away this week. She is the mother in law of one of the Pastors here…As you would expect, the family has come to pay respects and to console the family, except here, when a family comes they stay with you and eat you out of house and home… it is often a week or more till the funeral can be arranged and a family might be driven to poverty by their extended family. This was happening in this case… the family came to the Mission to request help… they could not afford to purchase a coffin to bury their mother in… and that would mean that we could not have the funeral this Saturday…so their family would stay another week or half week… which would continue to drive them to poverty… so to reach out and be a ministry to the family, the mission paid for the wood for the coffin and had their carpenter build the coffin… this way we can have the funeral on Saturday and their extended family can leave them in peace…"

This is just a little glimpse of what is going on in our mission and how God is at work....please join us as we continue to help our brothers and sisters in the Land of Kenya.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Misc. Photo's of Life in Kenya

College Life

Lecture time at Evangelical Bible College

Part of the College campus
Our tractor - compliments of Rotary International

A time for fun

The are just a few misc. photo's that help to show some of the various aspects of the ministry and basic life in Kenya. Soon - we hope to have some photo's from Craig's visit and
our new vocational training centers.....stay tuned!

Church Life in Kenya

These are a few pictures of our Kenya ministry and the results God's blessing and many years of work by the Osborne's and others. These church buildings are the direct result of the sacrificial giving by our supporters and the hard work of our Kenya brothers and sisters. Some of our churches still meet out in the open or in structures that do not keep out the rain when it does rain. Continue to pray for our ministry in Kenya as the needs are great!

Our Kenya Children

When you see these cute little makes it all worth it! God is so good!