Sunday, May 23, 2010

More of Our Kenya Family

The are miscellaneous photo's of some of our Kenya family compliments of the Gravino' has the ministry grown!

God's Wonderful Creation

These are some more of David and Sue Gravino's photos of the animal life of Kenya.

The Gravino's Keep on Going and Giving!

Dave and Sue Gravino

We are happy to introduce David and Sue Gravino who returned to Kenya in January of 2010 for a seven-month term with two high school girls in tow. The girls stayed three weeks and worked mainly with the Grace Children’s Homes. David and Sue have been teaching two courses each term (David teaches Bible courses, Sue English and Public Speaking) at the Evangelical Bible College. On Sundays, David preaches at various churches. In addition classes at the Bible college, Sue also teaches an ESL (English as a second language) class twice a week for other adults. The Gravino's are personal friends of the Osborne's and are regular supporters of KEM as well as represent the Mission on the East Coast of the US when they are not in Kenya. These are their photo's that we figured everyone would like to see....enjoy!