Saturday, May 30, 2009

Diane Arrived in Kenya

From Diane Clements - Director of Grace Home Ministries
"The Lord will accomplish what concerns me." - Psalm 138:8

I was pretty happy leaving Istanbul – we were on time and there were only about 30 passengers on the plane. it was great - as soon as the doors closed, everyone scrambled to find 3 seats to themselves so that they could lay down and sleep – ah, blessed sleep! I was still waaay behind – and little did I know just how much I was going to need the nap I was able to get.

It was impossible for the pouring rain in Nairobi to dampen my spirits – I breezed thru immigration and customs – and outside the door was a whole team of Kenyan guys who had come to receive me! I was amazed – after all it was 1:30 am! how sweet! It also proved to be the providential hand of God (He is so good!). We set out on the long trip home in the downpour – picking our way over the ever increasingly potholed roads. Poor Shadrach – the van kept dying from some bad fuel and then about halfway thru the 68 km journey, we got a flat tire. Unfortunately we did not have everything we needed to change it so the guys called back to the mission and asked someone to bring what we needed. When they arrived I went on ahead in the small car with a few of the guys – reaching home at 5 am! We were sooo tired – but the guys changing the tire didn’t get home till many hours later. Little did i know that we had broken down in an area where there are gangs of thieves that attack stopped vehicles and steal them or everything in them – with little regard for life. God’s hand of protection was surely on us the whole night. He also protected the guys changing the tire as we were stopped right in the road! Thank you Lord! I slept until noon (never before in my life!) and spent the rest of the day in a jet lagged stupor... i could barely concentrate as I met old friends and new.... we discussed plans and details but i just could not focus. All it took was a good night’s sleep though and now i am almost myself again.

The osborne’s home is a hive of activity and a haven of good Kenyan hospitality. They have so many things going on and so many people they minister to. the front door literally revolves with their Kenyan sons arriving, receiving advice or funds and then heading back out to work in their various ministries and projects. In the midst of it all there is always time to sit and talk with anyone who has a need or just for friendly catching up. Yesterday Lois, Oscar and I spent the day in Nairobi buying lots and lots of groceries for the coming month (their table is always full to overflowing with people) changing money and buying some supplies for the children’s homes. Now the preparations are underway in earnest. Furniture and other needs have been ordered, the structure of operation has been set up and lists (and more lists) are being made. I have met two of the dads of the families we will start with and I like them a great deal. They seem very excited about this opportunity to serve God by caring for orphaned children.

Tomorrow is our church day – and then Monday will be an important day for us as well as all Kenyans. It is “Independence Day” for the Kenyan people, but for grace homes it will be a get-together of the 4 families who would like to be involved in this ministry. 3 of the families want to come and live in our homes and one would like to foster a couple of children in their own home. it will be our day to get to know one another as well as meet and discuss grace home ministries. we will also be chatting about the visions and goals of our work as well as the day to day details of carrying it out.

In light of this please pray for; a good day of fellowship together on Monday, a meaningful discussion together concerning the work, understanding of God’s will, unity of spirit of everyone involved, the 4 couples who will embark on a new chapter in their lives, the children we will be caring for I still don’t know much about the children – so many have been discussed – but I know when the time comes it will be clear who we are to take in. Until then I will just have to curb my curiosity... I will meet them when I meet them! The Lord has been continually with us – protecting us and guiding us and He is faithful to perform all that He has planned! I am so grateful to be here – seeing His hand working, step by step, and thank you for joining us here in Kenya through your prayers – we appreciate you so much! can’t wait to write the next report of our progress!



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