Sunday, August 23, 2009

Craig and Lynn Conley Crash Kenya

Craig and Lynn Conley
Our Kenya brothers arriving at the airport to pick up Craig and Lynn

Our guys getting to work on cables and wiring for the new computer school

The long awaited container arrived and ready to unload
Some of the trench work preparing for cable and wiring between the buildings

A small glimpse of our Bible College and vocational training facilities

One of Craig's projects was to prepare our computer training center and these are some of the desks/workstations that the students will use.

Our new tractor compliments of Rotary International. The buildings in the back are our auto shop and carpentry classrooms.

Our people hard at work preparing desks for the computer training center

Our new truck compliments of Rotary International

What would a trip to Kenya be like without a few pictures of the animal kingdom....just think, one day we will get to play with these beautiful creatures and no harm will come to either of us!


They say we are related.....but somehow I just don't think so!

Some of our Kenya children

Our mission field!
Better than a trip to Macy's

Students hard at work

Our Missionaries - Hoyt and Lois Osborne

Some of our staff

A time of fellowship

Church time

Hoyt Osborne no doubt issuing words of wisdom

Hoyt and Lois Osborne

Recently Craig and Lynn Conley visited our mission in Kenya to oversee and complete the container project, and to set up our vocational training centers. These pictures reflect just a small portion of the total of what was completed. Although the container arrived just as Craig and Lynn were leaving, our Kenya brothers were able to secure the container and unload its contents. We praise the Lord for all that was provided and accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. Good and charitable work in Kenya.
    Congrats to the missionaries and all donors,may God bless you.
