Friday, November 6, 2009

Compassion and Love - It's What We Should Be About!

“Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them....” – Matthew 9:36

When Jesus saw the crowds, He really saw them. He didn’t just see a mass of individuals, He saw individuals. And He didn’t just see their outsides, He saw their inner self, their needs, their heartache and their care. And so it is today – Jesus still sees people – individuals He longs to show His amazing compassion to. I would like to introduce you to a couple of the children that we met yesterday that Jesus has seen and had compassion on.....

Esili is a 9 year old boy from the Mathari slums of Nairobi. His father died from TB 5 years ago. Then Esili and his 6 brothers and sisters watched their mother burn to death in the post-election clashes in 2007. The children spent 2 years in a refugee camp until their aunt found them and took them to live with her, her husband, and her 6 children in this slum. There is never enough food and Esili often falls asleep in class from hunger and weakness.

Moses is another 9 year old boy from the same slum. He was abandoned by his mother when she married (tribal custom) and has moved between 2 aunts over the past 5 years. Moses is introverted, solemn and carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. I honestly have never seen a more sad looking child. Moses has had some kind of fungal (?) rash all over his face and his lips for 4 months. They are quite swollen, but he has not seen a doctor since there is no money to see one. His teacher reports that he also frequently falls asleep from lack of food. Thanks to the world food program each of the boys receive one meal a day at school – but many days that is all they get. His single aunt struggles to keep Moses and her 4 children alive on her $40 per month income.

Next Thursday we will take these two boys to the hospital for a checkup and HIV testing – and if they test negative we will be bringing them home after their exams finish at the end of the month. We are so excited that Jesus saw them and had compassion. We are thankful that He is allowing us to be His hands of love in their lives.

That is how God works – one life at a time. He sees them, He rescues them and draws them to Himself one by one. And that is how we in Grace Children’s Home ministries works too – helping children – with God’s help, transforming lives – one at a time. I truly believe that everyone can help someone. Just imagine how many lives could be changed if we all did something to change the life of another person! I believe that this world would be a very different place....

Thank you so much for joining us through your prayers – they are the power behind all that is happening here. keep it up!

seeking to see,


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