Wednesday, April 29, 2009

K.E.M. Container Project

This is Craig Conley (our Special Projects Director - hows that for a title Craig) getting a well deserved massage from Joe Riley (former Director of KEM). Craig worked very hard in putting all of the donations together as well as arranging for the shipping of the container to Kenya.

Just trying to make it look like I was working

This is a staged photo op....Joe worked very hard to look busy

Mike, Barb and Carol taking a break for a photo op

Some of the equipment for the carpentry class at the College

Our shipping container....please pray that it arrives safely

Misc. items for KEM

The are a few pictures of the loading of our container that we are shipping to Kenya. A warm thank you to all who helped in donating items and funds to ship these well needed items to our mission in Kenya. These items that are being shipped will help our local mission become more self sufficient by offering training classes in auto mechanics and carpentry as well as provide other equipment in setting up satellite Internet access. Craig will be going to Kenya in June to install cable and wiring for high speed Internet access. Please pray that the container arrives in time so that we can put Craig to work when he gets there.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME, eternity alone will tell the fruit that will be produced from this labor of love.
    Thank you Craig and the team there.
    While we can't be there in person, the project im much in our prayers
