Monday, May 4, 2009

Steer Inc. Approves Kenya Evangelical Mission

  1. We have recently been approved by Steer Inc ( This means that willing farmers who want to participate in missions giving (i.e. Kenya Evangelical Mission) can contact Steer Inc. and they will place a calf with the farmer to raise right alongside of their other cattle. Once the calf is raised and ready for sale, then it is sold and the funds (minus a small administrative fee for Steer Inc.) are donated to Kenya Evangelical Mission. We already have placed our first calf with a farmer in Virginia. If you know of farmers who would be willing to raise cattle, pigs, and other farm animals and even crops....please contact Steer Inc. to obtain details as to how you can participate in this vital part of missions giving. The animals and crops are placed for free and the cost to the farmer is feeding the animals and tending to the crops. If you contact Steer Inc. be sure to let them know you are a supporter of Kenya Evangelical Mission. And remember; "He owns the cattle on a thousand hills....."
  2. Our Shipping container which is full of needed supplies for our carpentry school, mechanics school, and computer school as well as other needed supplies is on its way to Kenya. Let me personally thank all of you who donated funds and supplies for the project. Our thanks also go out to Craig Conley for all of his efforts in seeing this project through from start to finish.
  3. Diane Clements (with Grace Children’s Home Ministries) will be going over to Kenya on May 25 to set up our first children’s home and we are so excited to see this coming together. Please be in prayer for her and Lois, as well as our group home families as they embark on this new exciting ministry. You can reach Diane to find out more about her ministry by contacting her via e-mail;
  4. Recently Hoyt and Lois reported that 24 people gave their lives to Christ in a weekend gathering. We praise the Lord for this and recognize this to be our greatest joy as we rejoice when we see new lives embrace God’s love and willingly follow Him with their whole heart and life.
  5. We also praise the Lord for the increase in missions giving from our existing supporters and we have also been blessed with new supporters of Kenya Evangelical Mission. We pray for God’s blessing to all of our friends and supporters.
For the souls of Kenya,
Mike and Carol Southwick
Directors of Kenya Evangelical Mission

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