Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Grace Children's Home

From Diane Clements:

I praise God for safety as I drove well over a thousand miles and spoke in various churches and schools – for His protection and courage to speak! I am humbled by the generous provision that people have poured out to start our new Grace Home family in Kenya. Surely what God initiates, He will provide for! Thank you all of you who have been so giving and for those who prayed....

In Kangundo, there are duplexes rented, 3 couples desiring to care for children and a list of 17 orphans for us to start with. Whether we will be able to accommodate them all immediately, I am not sure, but I am certainly excited to meet the new little ones that God will entrust to our care. I can’t help trying to imagine their faces, their names...

In order to obtain an inexpensive airline ticket, Diane had a stop in London and then a stay over in Istanbul. Her trip was 3.5 days in all and she left on Monday. We will let everyone know when she arrives in Nairobi and connects with our people in Kangundo. Please pray for safety for Diane and for our new group homes....God is good!

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