Saturday, October 31, 2009

Alive and Well in Kenya

“The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise.” – Isaiah 43:21

A thousand apologies for not communicating any sooner – and more apologies to those of you who didn’t receive my previous emails about returning to Kenya. I hit the ground here running and have not stopped since! (except for a few occasional hours of sleep) The week since my arrival has been blessed beyond measure and I want to take this opportunity to praise the Lord for it! The remainder of my flights went well (tho interminably long!) – I was so glad to sweep thru customs into the arms of my Kenyan brothers waiting for me with hugs! Nice to be so welcomed back “home”.

I praise God for Friday which brought all but the two oldest children (who were at school till late) skipping down the path with giant smiles on their faces! How good it was to see them again – healthy, happy and some much taller! I gladly received their loving embraces – no hug or kiss could ever be sweeter! What an awesome day! They sang and recited Scripture passages they had learned. They have even memorized almost all of the books of the Bible (in just 4 months!) I am so grateful for our parents who are doing such wonderful jobs and for the incredible progress in the children in such a short span of time!

The weekend brought Chris and Musembi (our two oldest boys) by for a visit – they are delightful! There were also hours and hours of Lois and I catching up on 4 months of events and business. Sunday was truly a day of praise - we got up early for an hour-long walk to church with the boys– it was so great to be back worshipping with these dear people! The day was perfect – blue sky, red dirt and new little green bean and maize plants sprouting up everywhere– because the rains have come after such a long time of drought! hallelujah! Please pray that they continue until the harvest – but for now there is sooo much to thank God for.

I wish there was more time for me to write – but already it is late and we are leaving at 3:45am to take the two boys’ families to the Nairobi game park for a “safari” and day of fun. I will try to get another installment sent soon to catch you up on what has been happening – There has been so much. It has all been good and we are praising the Lord together.

In the meantime please continue to pray for:

  • Meetings with prospective foster families

  • The writing of the foster program agreement and set up of structure and supervision

  • For the children that we will be taking in this time – we have already met one of them – can’t wait to tell you all about him! – his name is Dannis!

  • For us to accomplish all that God has planned for us in the short time that we have left (it will go fast!)

Thank you for your prayers – you are an absolutely vital part of all that God is doing here.... I wish you could be here to see it in person! until then, let us keep praising the One who has formed us for Himself – for He alone is worthy.

In awe of His goodness,


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