Wednesday, October 21, 2009

God Answers Prayer!

“ask and it shall be given unto you....” – Matthew 7:7

Now I am not proposing that verse means you can ask for anything and God will give it – but in matters where He will be glorified by granting our requests it is definitely a promise. Well, we asked, God granted, and now I want to glorify Him for it!

As we wheeled my 4 bags to the check-in counter I was praying. I explained to the agent that the contents of the bags were for orphaned children in Kenya and asked for mercy. She hesitated, spoke to a supervisor, and returned with a big smile on her face. She waived the $400-500 in fees and ignored the fact that all of the bags were up to 4 lbs overweight! Praise the Lord! I was rejoicing and my angel was happy that she could do that for the kids. I almost cried....

Getting all my carry ons onto the plane was a greater challenge. They are guarding zealously against “overhead bin hogs” these days, but again God intervened. An old friend was working at my gate and he allowed it to all go on board with me. Hopefully no one labeled me a bin hog – but, oh well it is all for a good cause. Do you have any idea how much a bag of tootsie rolls or bubble gum weighs?? God also sent a kind man to lift my heavy bags up into the bin for me so my heart is overflowing with gratefulness!

Now only 5 more airports and 4 more flights left before my arrival in Nairobi! Can’t wait! Anyway, just wanted to check in and let you know how much I appreciate your prayers and to share how they make a difference! You make a difference. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.



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