Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Diane Clements (Grace Children's Home) is on the move again!

“’Cease striving and know that I AM God! I WILL be exalted among the nations, I WILL be exalted in the earth’ the Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.” – psalm 46:10-11

The Sweet and Uncertain

This is an email with a mixture of difficult things and exciting things - an odd combination – and yet we can face both with peaceful hearts because of the One who is holding us!

In Nepal, the situation remains unchanged. The landlord is showing a little grace and giving us a few more weeks to move out. Arjun is still trying to find a home for the boys and parents to care for them but so far no success. He is also looking for Christian couples who might want to foster one boy per home – or even other children’s homes that might take them in. In any case, even if they go back to their villages, we will continue to provide monetary support for them. This will give us a chance to continue to have contact and input into their lives. It will also give us the ability to make sure they stay in school and finish their education. I will keep you posted as information comes to me. Please please continue to pray for our 10 precious boys.... that God’s will be done in each of their lives – whatever our good God has chosen for them. He WILL be exalted in their lives – I am confident of that.....

On the other hand, my excitement builds as I prepare to leave for Kenya in one week (Wed. Oct. 21). The mission this time will be to iron out any wrinkles in the existing homes, (there are hardly any – they are doing sooo well!) hammer out agreements and supervision for the foster homes, and then God willing we will be adding children. Lois says that the two family homes are ready to add two boys each – and there are possibly enough foster families ready to add 8 more children – for a possible total of 12 new lives! That would double our size! Incredible... now that is exciting! There also may be opportunity to move our two families to larger homes.... we also hope to take the children on a special outing – possibly to the game park. We would have to do it in 2 batches (girls, then boys) since there are already too many to fit into the van at once. but that will just give us twice the fun! Can’t wait! Add to that the usual playing and eating chocolates.... well, it will be a busy 3 weeks!

Anyway, we are counting on your prayers –for both our Asian and our African ministries. Please pray for Lois and I to work through all the many things we have to talk about and figure out in our time we will have together. Pray for the new children and financial provision for them – I will be needing new sponsors (let me know if you are interested). We will also need the Omnipotent guiding hand of God on all we do! What a joy to be building the foundation of a ministry that I am confident will just continue to grow and change more and more lives – one life at a time!

God is good – even in our trials and uncertainties we can trust Him. May your day be one of peace – as you cease striving and rest peacefully in the palm of His hand – no matter what you are facing in your life today. He WILL be exalted!

Anticipating great things,


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