Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Diane Clements - Ready Set Go!

"And You know the way where I am going...." - John 14:4

I'm pretty much ready to go. My bags are packed for my return to Kangundo, Kenya tomorrow morning - but for me even as it is time for expectation of what is ahead, it is also a time for retrospection and remembering what God has done on similar journeys in the past. What I have learned without question is that God knows the way I am going. I may have my ideas and expectations of what will take place in the next month, however my Father is in control and is so often full of complete surprises! But what freedom and peace there is in knowing this and being able to just let go and give Him the reins! His will be done! amen!

Bags are a matter of concern for me... I am allowed 2 - 50lb. bags - and I have 4 (not to mention my 50+ lb carry on - ugh - and an almost as heavy briefcase!). The fees to take the extras to Africa are prohibitive but United Airlines told me to take them and the person checking me in has the ability to reduce or totally waive the fees. So this is your first prayer "assignment" - pray for the luggage "angel" to check me in. Not at all hard for God - so let's ask! I have had the luggage "nazi" before (making me take my bags down to 49 lbs!) so we know which one to ask for. I could not come up with 50lbs. of things for the children that I was willing to leave behind so I just decided to step out on faith - and I am asking you to join me!

And I ask you once again to join me on my travels to Kenya, a wonderful far away land, through your prayers. I will be sending updates as frequently as I'm able to keep you informed. I know I will enjoy writing about being reunited with our beautiful children - about introducing them to their American sponsors and the giving of gifts and chocolates (of course!) - about the outings being planned. But perhaps even more joyful will be the homecoming of up to 12 new children! What an awesome God we serve! I can't wait to report it all to you...

Please keep us in your prayers for:

  • The check in at 5am (pacific) tomorrow (wed) and related luggage fees

  • The choosing and welcoming home of the new children

  • That we will accomplish all of the Lord's will in my time there

  • The administrative tasks that Lois and i have to work through

  • The housing/parent situation for the boys in Nepal - still no solution found - still in limbo (time is getting short tho!)

If you would like, you can also pray that I get a little sleep on my almost 2 full day journey - I honestly can sleep anywhere at all as long as I can lay down - but I find it impossible to sleep in an upright position! I know, it sounds ridiculous for someone that travels as much as I do, yet it is as it is. But I always have the faint hope that maybe this time things will be different.....

Thank you so much for your prayers for our Grace Children's Home ministry - you are the greatest blessing that God could bestow on us! Truly if people are praying, then all will be just as it should be! Blessings!

With anticipation of great things,


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